November 01, 2004

Bart's Worried

I sit here, watching SNL's Election Special, wondering if Wednesday will bring us America or will we still be stuck in Amerikkka? The polls show the Giggling Murderer ahead, with Kerry surging in the important states.

If Bush wins, it won't be the end of the world - it'll just be the end of the world as we know it. I'm not ready for that. I'd like my country back and I'm tired of Bush's wars, Bush's murders, Bush's magic tricks with our future and the generaly back-to-the-50s
horseshit that's caused all the trouble. I'm f-ing fed up with Bush.

Posted by bartcop at 09:29 PM | TrackBack

Welcome to the Bartcop Live Blog

Hi Bartcop fans. Bart hasn't even seen this blog yet but Bartcook and I are organizing a team of people to put this together for him for election day. Bart is busy finishing up radio show #58 and when he gets done with it we are going to educate him and bring him into the 21st century.

This blog is going to add a live feel to Bartcop and make it some that Bart and several of the Bart elves can bring you the election news as it happens. Otherwise Bart will be forever uploading and changing the main page. We welcome you help and feedback to make this all possible.

Marc Perkel
Fearless Leader
Computer Tyme Hosting

Posted by marc at 05:20 PM | TrackBack